Have you booked a consultation yet? If you haven't, contact us at 012 347 0612. If you have booked a consultation you can either fill in a form on the day of your consult at our rooms or download our patient form here: Patient Form
Complete the form and email it to us at or bring the completed form when you come for your consultation. Consultations fees for 2021: R1200-00
- Once the cancer has been diagnosed, you (or the referring doctor's rooms) need to book an appointment with us.
- Dr. van Rooyen will discuss all possible procedures that he deems appropriate to your case.
- You will receive a motivational letter from our offices.
- This letter will be completed as soon as possible (It could take 1 week or longer in some cases)
- All correspondence with the medical aid is the patient's responsibility as WE DO NOT DEAL WITH MEDICAL AID SCHEMES.
- Please get authorization from your medical aid as soon as possible and send the authorization number through to us.
- There may be a co-payment depending on your medical aid plan. Email Franciska at to confirm this.
- Your Medical-aid will pay the money into your account. You have to pay us ,in full, within 5 days of your first follow-up appointment.
- If your medical aid does not reimburse you completely it has to be taken up with them as they are required to pay you according to the tariffs prescribed by them.
- Please book a theater date with us.
- We will confirm the exact time of your procedure a week in advance.
- You will receive a document named 'Theatre Rules and Regulations for Medical Aid Patients' with your motivational letter. IT IS IMPORTANT TO READ THIS THOROUGHLY.
We strive to give our patients the best possible treatment.
- You need to book a consultation appointment with us.
- Once you have consulted with Dr van Rooyen you will receive a quotation via e-mail (This usually takes 3-5 days).
- You will receive three quotes:
- Dr van Rooyen's quote.
- A quote for the theatre.
- A quote from the anesthetist.
- The cost of the procedure would then be the sum of the three quotes.
- If you choose to accept the quotation you can enquire about a possible theatre date via e-mail or telephonically.
- Once you have confirmed a date for the procedure, you are required to pay a R1000 theatre deposit which should be deducted from dr van Rooyen's quote. Please send the proof of payment for the deposit to so that we can confirm your booking.
- The balance should be paid in full a week before the procedure.
- We will contact you a week before your theatre date to confirm your theatre time.
- With your quotes you will receive a document named 'Theatre Rules and Regulations' which includes important pre- and post-operative information. READ THIS THOROUGHLY.
Due to distance, we can make special arrangements for international patients. Patients who are travelling to South-Africa for the purpose of surgery can complete the 'International Patient's form'. Once the form has been completed we can supply you with a preliminary quotation. PLEASE NOTE: THIS QUOTATION IS SUBJECT TO A CONSULTATION AND THE FINAL QUOTATION MAY DIFFER FROM THE PRELIMINARY QUOTATION.
- Once we have received your patient form, we will send you a preliminary quotation in 3-5 working days. Thereafter you can make an appointment for consultation and theatre.
- Theatre bookings require R1000 deposit.
- Download the International Patient Form HERE : International Patient Form
(Click the link below)
NOTICE: We DO NOT give quotations telephonically or via e-mail. For any quotations or prices the patient is required to consult with the doctor first, only thereafter will we be able to give the patient a quotation or estimate. Thank you for your co-operation.